Buyers Agent in Moreton Bay

We have access to the properties before they hit the market. You don’t have to navigate the process of buying a property alone. Let us help you save time and money.

We have decades of experience supporting thousands of clients to make well-informed real estate decisions that meet their specific needs and goals.

From our first initial consultation to identify your specific requirements we are with you on the journey to secure your perfect property.


1) Initial client consultation to identify your specific needs and goals

2) Contact our network of agents for off-market opportunities

3) Conduct an unlimited amount of property inspections till we find you the perfect home

4) Conduct property price comparison report

5) Conduct independent rental appraisal

6) Identify ways to add value to the property

7) Bid at auctions if required

8) Negotiate price and contract terms with agents

9) Attend building and pest inspections

10) Arrange quotes for repairs, maintenance, and renovations if needed

11) Conducting pre-settlement inspections

12) Handover at settlement 

That’s a fantastic start now let’s make sure we’ve covered all the bases and explore the market for your perfect home. I’ll show you exactly how I have secured the perfect homes for my past clients, take you through my property buying process step by step, and conduct a property price comparison report.

low fixed fee

happy home buyers

Our fee structure is as simple as it is cost effective:

Total Service fee $10,000 inc GST

1st payment om engagement $1,500

2nd payment on unconditional contract $8,500

With a low fee structure like this, why wouldn't you engage our buyers agent service.


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